Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NJIT/Rutgers Calendar Announcement

Please be aware that there will be differences in some of the calendar dates between NJIT and Rutgers this fall.

Faculty should make every attempt to accommodate students attending courses at both NJIT and Rutgers. Students should follow the home school schedule of classes and inform their instructors of any conflicts. The differences are noted below.


Tuesday 11/24/2009 follows Thursday schedule
Wednesday 11/25/2009 follows Friday schedule
Last day of Fall Term: 12/11/2009
Finals: 12/11-12/17


Tuesday 11/24/2009 - No change in schedule
Wednesday 11/25/2009 - No classes
Last day of Fall Term: 12/9/2009
Finals: 12/16-12/23

Complete Academic Calendars for Rutgers and NJIT can be found on their respective web sites by following the links below.